Animal Genetics and Breeding

Department has established “Genetic Investigation laboratory “ with  funding from  Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, during year 2010-2011.This will be a service providing laboratory which aims to give benefit to farmers/Breeders by bringing about  improvement in the fertility of livestock particularly in cattle and buffalo by eliminating the genetic causes such as Chromosomal /genetic disorders as specified by CMU norms as per requirement of current  livestock breeding policy of Maharashtra State .
Consultancy services:
Karyotyping of various animal species as per requirement for detecting chromosomal defects, if any.Establishment of commercial Goat Farm and Pig Farm.
Short Term Trainings programmes:
Animal Genetics & Breeding Department continuously organizing and conducting various extension education activities since year 1996 ( for the benefit of the farmers and unemployed youths in the state of Maharashtra. This department regularly conducts training programmes on commercial Goat Farming and Pig farming.
The following  genetic diagnosis tests will be conducted:
  1. Cytogenetic testing /Karyotyping
  2. Molecular Genetic testing/Tests for genetic disorders:
    1. Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency (BLAD)
    2. Citrullinamia
    3. Deficiency of uridine monophosphate synthase (DUMPs)